
Gov't to strengthen linkage of education and industry

Ricketts Hagan

Mon, 29 Sep 2014 Source: GNA

The government is to upgrade the GRATIS Centre at Koforidua to be used as one of the campuses of the proposed GRATIS University College of Applied Technology (GUCAT).

This is to improve production technology, facilitate technology transfer and dissemination of marketable technologies to support micro and small enterprises in rural and economically deprived communities in the agro-processing sector.

The initiative is expected to support people in the agro-processing sector, to acquire simple tools and technology to expand production.

This was announced by Mr Kwaku Ricketty-Hagan, Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry in a press conference at Koforidua, after visiting the Koforidua branch of the GRATIS Center.

He explained that, the initiative is in response to government’s policies on industrial transformation of the country and tertiary education, to train 1,268 young men and women in employable skills and through the establishment of a practical university.

Mr David Atugiya, Board Chairman of the GRATIS Foundation said, the government’s decision to establish GUCAT to provide the needed practical skills for industrialization is in the right direction.

He said if the country is to industrialize, it would need to promote industrialization and the dissemination of appropriate technologies in all the regions of the country by developing research and demonstrating marketable products and processes, which will enable micro, small and medium enterprise to increase productivity, employment and the resultant multiplier effect on the economy.

He explained that, GUCAT is to bridge the gap between the academia and industry, produce engineers and technicians, trained academically and practically and reduce the skills gap needs of the African continent.

Mr Atugiya called on the government to ensure the speedy establishment of the GRATIS University College of Applied Technology.

Source: GNA