
Government is doing so much to tackle coronavirus - Kpando MCE

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Wed, 1 Apr 2020 Source: Kwame Osahene, Contributor

The Municipal Chief Executive for Kpando also the parliamentary candidate of the ruling New Patriotic Party Hon. Theophilus Awasi Ernest Quist has expressed satisfaction with the measures Government has put in place to deal with the threat of the novel Coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

He said vigorous measures are being undertaken by the Kpando Municipal Assembly to adequately tackle the outbreak of Coronavirus should incase it shows its face in the area.

Hon. Theophilus Awasi Ernest Quist noted this when he visited Margaret Marquart Catholic Hospital in Kpando to assess the readiness of the facility to fight the coronavirus pandemic in the municipality.

He said the government is working around the clock to address challenges such as state of beds, washrooms, privacy and security of patients and the frontliners as well as an adequate supply of personal protective equipment (PPEs ).

He said the human race is locked in a battle against coronavirus that emerged from China and has gone from an unknown enemy to feared worldwide, in a matter of months and therefore it requires uniformity from Ghanaians to defeat the virus.

Hon. Theophilus Awasi Ernest Quist opined that, this is not the time for propaganda and parochial interest drive, we must do away with partisan politics in fighting this menace, the virus knows no boundary, rich or poor and as such we must see it as a common enemy and fight it as such.

He said as the virus continues to spread around the world with panic while scientists are striving to develop ways of fighting this previously unknown threat Ghanaians must pray to God and observe the preventive measures and the general restrictions issued by the President.

Hon. Quist was grateful to the management of Margaret Marquart Catholic Hospital for availing their facilities at this trying moments and urged them not to hesitate but call promptly for any assistance.

Source: Kwame Osahene, Contributor
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