
Govt earmarks 18 billion cedis to solve Obuasi drainage problems

Mon, 11 Jul 2005 Source: GNA

Obuasi, July 11, GNA - The government has earmarked 18 billion cedis to solve drainage problems facing flood-proned and low-lying areas in the Obuasi municipality.

Mr Joseph Kwadwo Boampong, the Municipal Chief Executive, said in an interviev with the Ghana News Agency at Obuasi that the first phase, costing 3.6 billion cedis was expected to start this year.

He named some of the areas as Kunka, parts of Estate, Mensakrom and Nyamso.

Mr Boampong said a hydrologist who was contracted had completed the feasibility studies and the prepared document had already been presented to the Ministry of Works and Housing.

"Drainage works in the municipality will be vigorously pursued", he said.

The Municipal Chief Executive added that the same ministry had voted one billion cedis with dollar component to address water problems in some communities in the municipality.

He said under the programme, the ministry working with the Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL) would extend pipe-borne water to the communities that were currently not enjoying good drinking water. Mr Boampong, who was revealing his vision for the next four years, stressed, "The focus will be on infrastructure development which Obuasi lacks and this include the improvement of road network, pipe-borne water, drainage and electricity supply."

He announced that the assembly had contacted a number of sector ministries for assistance in the realisation of the vision. Touching on electricity supply, the MCE said 13 communities would be connected to the national grid by the end of 2008.

Mr. Boampong said other area that would be tackled was the improvement of senior secondary education in the two schools in the municipality. "For the start, the assembly would complete the fencing of the Obuasi Secondary/Technical School and the putting up of a new assembly hall for the Christ the King Catholic Secondary School. Mr Boampong said the assembly would purchase 1,000 more refuse containers to strengthen the house-to-house refuse collection so as to improve sanitation in the municipality.

Source: GNA