
Gushegu Assembly builds schools

Sun, 24 Oct 2010 Source: GNA

Goma (N/R), Oct.24, GNA - The Gushegu District Assembly in the Northern Region has spent more than GH¢ 250,000 to construct four school blocks and health facilities to serve deprived communities in the District.

The Assembly under the Ghana Education Trust Fund's (GETFund) schools under trees and basic schools rehabilitation programme (SUTBREB) spent GH¢ 150,000 to construct a block of six classrooms with an office and urinal for the Goma community.

The school would serve the Goma, Kambonyili and Gosum communities, which hitherto had their schools under trees.

Mr Alhassan Fuseini, District Chief Executive (DCE) for Gushegu, made these known at Goma, a farming community in the Gushegu District when he inaugurated and inspected some ongoing development projects the Assembly was undertaking.

He also inaugurated a block of three classrooms for the Maazijung L/A Primary School at Kpatinga built at a cost of GH¢ 44,000 under the Assemblies' District Wide Assistance Project funded by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).

Another block of three classrooms for the Kpatili Junior High School (JHS) built under the Northern Region Poverty Reduction Programme (NORPREP) was also inaugurated by the DCE.

At Kpatinga Mr Fuseni inaugurated a three-bedroom nurse's quarters built under NORPREP at a cost of GH¢ 56,000.

At the Nayugu community the DCE inaugurated a mechanized borehole which was sunk under the UNICEF's I Wash Project.

At the separate inauguration ceremonies the DCE impressed upon the schools' authorities and the people the need to maintain the facilities well and to protect them for the use of future generations.

He said the provision of the facilities was in fulfilment of President Mills' 93Better Ghana Agenda" which sought to bring development, especially health care delivery to the doorsteps of the people.

Alhaji Abdul-Rahaman Yakubu, Gushegu District Director of Health, at the inauguration of the nurse's quarters appealed to the people to visit the health centre regularly and not to resort to self-medication.

He said with the near eradication of guinea worm in the Northern Region, bilharzias and other waterborne diseases were the diseases that needed to be tackled.

Source: GNA