Hundreds of people gathered at Bawku municipality to be fed by the politician
Many people have burst into excitement as APC leader, Dr. Hassan Ayariga gives them food and clothing; a rare scene of holiday cheer in economically depressed communities in Bawku municipality.
Dr. Ayariga says hunger doesn't know tribe or political allegiance of anyone and therefore, there is the need to feed the needy.
Sometimes, these people don't celebrate much during Salah but "Allah always puts good men in our path" one of the beneficiaries says and then starts smiling.
Dr. Ayariga handed out food and clothing to over 2,000 children, older people and the underprivileged.
"I bring happiness to many people who in this situation are deeply sad and desperate. I bring them a little bit of happiness. The charity aims to take support to vulnerable people, in communities," says Dr. Ayariga.
Ayariga urged leaders to emulate such gesture to help reach people from various communities across the country.
Some years ago, Dr. Hassan Ayariga started to distribute food and clothes before and during Salah. His wife, Mrs. Anita Ayariga helps with the provisions of kids clothing.
Today, the program boasts more than 2,000 beneficiaries. Tents were erected in front of his house as thousands dine and drink while others take clothes home.
Looking at the crowd from afar, one would assume it is either marriage or naming ceremony but a closer look reveals people were thanking their stars for yet another free food.