
'Human vulture' shot dead

Human Vulture1 File photo

Thu, 4 Aug 2016 Source:

As strange as it may sound, residents in Kokompe a suburb in the Western Region are still in shock after a 30-year-old Kojo Richard died mysteriously after a vulture he had allegedly exchanged his soul with was shot dead.

Narrating the incident to Nyankonton Mu Nsem on Rainbow Radio 87.5FM, Sir Joe said the deceased is believed to have gone for money rituals popularly referred to as 'sakawa'.

According to him, the deceased together with the wife went to consult a ritualist who told him [deceased] that his soul would be turned into a vulture which would vomit money for him.

He was ordered to keep the vulture in his room but after the money started coming, the deceased started flirting with women, Sir Joe said.

Haboured with hatred and jealousy following her husband's change in character, the wife reportedly opened the vulture which was covered.

The vulture, Sir Joe said flew onto a nearby tree and started making noise prompting a resident to go for his gun to fire at it.

According to him, the chain which the vulture wore was also removed and dropped in a public toilet.

Kojo Richard is said to have screamed after he was told the chain has been dropped in a toilet; ''I'm dead. The chain is my soul'', he reportedly screamed.

He is said to have been pulled out of his room by a strong wind coupled with a thunder storm late evening Tuesday, leading to his mysterious death.
