
IDEAS University rightful owner discharged by CID

Thu, 27 Oct 2011 Source: Raymond Kwabena Kwabena Yeboah – Fair News

The real owner of Ideas University, the man who possesses the real courage to fight for what belongs to him, the young and intelligent Rexy Lovell Mensah is finally back from security grips to continue his work as proprietor of Ideas University.

Biblically, as Exodus 14:14 said; “The children of God should remain calm because he is there to fight on their behalf.”

If one reads the story captioned: ‘Security operatives arrest Rexy Lovell Mensah’ on Ghanaweb’s crime and punishment column on 21 October 2011, you could see that this coward and masked writer has been well paid to destroy and defame this honourable gentleman. For me l know this so called journalist, whom out of fear to be sued doesn't disclose the real source but put any name there, but l will later exposed him.

When l first read the story l thought Mr. Lovell would not be free again but thank God he is free and enjoying peace now. It is very painful to hear after thorough investigation by Fair News that the man is being punished for claiming what actually belongs to him by these so called ex- powers that be.

I see this incident as an advice especially to those who have genuine prospects like Mr. Lovell to make big investments not to trust their fellow man, shouldn't depend on them for anything, should implement their target alone because you could one day entrap yourself in a web of gluttonous Madam Comfort Adampah to snatch your property from you.

If you look at the age of Mr. Lovell, you won’t believe he has this vision to help the people of Brong Ahafo in terms of Education and his detractors probably thought he was young hence easy to outwit him for his property but the shield of God protects him.

Look at how because of stomach journalism, a glorious, smart and hardworking woman like Madam Victoria Amoah, the Principal of Tepa Health Assistant Training School was dragged into the frame of their story as a fraud.

The Sunyani public shouldn't waste their time on reading such defamation stories but rather wait for the court hearing.

Ideas University students must set Sunyani and its environs agog in wild jubilation because the owner of the school is back from CID interrogation and the fact that he wasn't detained for long tells everybody including this fake journalist that he is a winner. Thank you.

Source: Raymond Kwabena Kwabena Yeboah – Fair News