The sanitary pad bank initiative
Youth of Kpando Dzawoe in the Volta region have initiated a project to give sanitary pads to adolescent girls each month, free of charge.
The project was birthed by a newly installed warlord of the community, Togbui Dzablu IV with support from concerned citizens of the community.
Togbui Dzablu IV mentioned what motivated the initiative, he said, "We noticed the importance of menstruation in women and the importance of protecting them during these period especially among the younger school going girls"
"Some of these girls who could not afford a sanitary pad during menstruation skip school for one week while their male counterparts are in school throughout meanwhile they all write the same final exam".
He also added that, "Those who wouldn't want to skip school turns to seek favours from men who in turn demand for other sexual favour from them leading them to teenage pregnancy. We have decided to establish a sanitary pad Bank to be able to cater for all these".
Togbui Dzablu IV, who works as a morning show host of Dela Radio in Adidome, however, appealed for aid to see the realisation of the initiative
"We are therefore asking from philanthropists and organizations to help in donating sanitary pads to help this project", he pleaded.
The project will be officially launched on Sunday, April 9 2023 alongside fund raising to facilitate purchase of the sanitary pads.
Under the auspices of Togbui Dzablu IV, Kpando Dzawoe Youth Foundation will also be inaugurated during the Easter celebration with a focus on bringing together young people of the community, home and abroad.