
Krobos urge to foster peace, unity and love

Thu, 28 Apr 2011 Source: Mike Ologo

Somanya, April 24, - Mr. Mike Ologo, a prince from the royal Ologo family, has appealed to the pastors, chiefs, queen mothers, community leaders and entire people of yilo krobo to eschew petty rivalry and conflicts and rather foster harmony and unity for development. He said peace, unity and love for one another were necessary ingredients the district needed to entice the government to provide resources to develop the area.

Mr. Ologo made the appeal during an Easter fundraising harvest at the Sra Presbyterian Church in somanya.

Mr. Ologo who was the moderator of the massively attended occasion which drew all yilo krobos from far and near said, the death of Jesus Christ should reconcile the district and asked the people to use the occasion to forgive one another.

Mr. Ologo, an American trained post graduate urged krobos to supplement the effort of government in the socio-economic development of the area by working hard to improve productivity. He also urges krobos to maintain high moral standards and master high self confidence to project a positive image of krobo and its rich culture and resources.

He also urged them to be disciplined and avoid back-biting, arrogance and disrespect for rule of law.

Mr. Ologo who was the chairperson of the occasion used his charisma, God gifted talent, cross-sectional appeal and his great sense of humor to raise over GHC 72,000 for the church development fund. He said the people of yilo krobo have every cause to thank God for seeing the district through difficult times over the years and asked them to patiently wait upon the lord for better years to come.

In a benediction, the Rt. Rev Muno the head pastor of the church congratulated Mr. Ologo and also thanked him for his support and contribution, and called on all krobos abroad to come home and contribute their quota towards developing yilo krobo.

Source: Mike Ologo