
Kwahu South District Assembly undertakes projects

Thu, 30 Jun 2011 Source: GNA

Mpraeso, June 30, GNA - The Kwahu South District Assembly has executed more than 60 different developmental projects since 2009, Mr Joseph Omari, District Chief Executive (DCE), said.

Addressing the first Ordinary meeting of the assembly at Mpraeso on Thursday, he said the projects were aimed at ensuring that the people lived in dignity.

Mr Omari said the projects ranged from classroom blocks, health centres, road construction, provision of potable drinking water and other social interventions.

On the educational front, he mentioned some of the projects as a two-unit classroom block at Bepong District Assembly School, a three-unit classroom block each for Praso Number two Presbyterian 93A" and Asempaneye D/A School, and Asakraka D/A School.

Other projects include an eight-unit KVIP for Mpreaso Presbyterian "A" School, a six-unit classroom block with a head teachers' office and store for the Kwahu Amanfrom D/A Primary School and a two=96unit classroom block with head teachers' office and store each for the Nana Ampadu D/A Kindergarten.

The rest are the Kwahu Praso Number Two Presbyterian 93B" School and 12-unit classroom block each for the Bepong, Asakraka St Paul Senior High School and a six-unit classroom block at the Kwahu Ridge Senior High School at Obo.

On road construction, Mr Omari said within the period under review the assembly rehabilitated a total of 70.6 kilometres of feeder roads through reshaping and spot improvement.

This includes the reshaping of Praso Number Two=96Fomanso, Adunkwa Junction=96 Adunka, Praso Number Two-Asempaneye and the six kilometre Osubeng Junction=96 Oheneakura roads.

Others are the reshaping of the 4.7 kilometre Atibie-Odweanoma feeder road, 6.8km Sukwa Junction-Ahodwo feeder road, 1.8km Sukwa-Atuobikrom feeder road and the reshaping of 8.5km Mframa Junction-Kwame Owuo feeder road.

On water and sanitation, Mr Omari said the National Democratic Congress (NDC) government with the support of its development partners embarked on a 24.5 million dollar water project to provide water for the people of Kwahu.

He said under the project, government would construct a floating pontoon at the intake of the Volta Lake at Kotoso which would greatly benefit travellers and traders going through Adawso and the district as well.

The project would also rehabilitate and expand water treatment plants and construct booster pump stations in three areas on the ridge including Mpraeso.

He said the assembly had also drilled and constructed fifteen boreholes in fifteen communities.

Mr Omari said as part of the government's energy sector strategy and development plan to increase access to electricity from the current 66 percent to at least 80 percent by 2015, the Ministry of Energy had signed a contract with Messrs Eltel Network Corporation to carry out electrification works in some selected communities in the district.

On social intervention, the DCE said the assembly had completed the construction of market sheds at Osubeng to facilitate trading in the village.

He congratulated all the elected assembly members and urged them to work hard devoid of partisan politics and seek the interest of their electorate.

Source: GNA