
Lakeside District Police undergoes transformation under DSP. Mr. Shaibu Alhassan Sabi's leadership

Dsp Shaibuu DSP Mr. Shaibu Alhassan Sabi

Fri, 4 Oct 2024 Source: Emmanuel Osei Kwadwo, Contributor

The Lakeside Police Station in the Adentan Municipality is experiencing a significant transformation under the leadership of the new District Police Commander, DSP Mr. Shaibu Alhassan Sabi. Since taking charge, DSP Sabi has tackled numerous challenges, including low morale among personnel, internal conflicts, and neglected facilities, while also enhancing community safety. There is evidently a new awakening in the district which is worth paying attention to and for the Police Administration to note.

The administrative structure of the district includes the headquarters located at Community 8, with four police stations and one police post under it. The district also has an Accident Squad that handles motor traffic offenses within the area of responsibility. It is under the Adenta Division of the Ghana Police Service.

The district's operations cover areas such as Lakeside Estates, Ashaley Botwe Old and New Town, Nmai Dzorn, Zoom Lion, University Farms, Police City, East Legon Hills, and New Legon.

Suffice to say that the district is quite a busy area with a significant portion made up of elite communities. With this backdrop, one would not be wrong to say that to be a police commander in such an area, one needs to have their thinking cap well worn and must have a good sense of judgment and knowledge of the law.

DSP Sabi, in the past three months since assuming the post of district commander, has demonstrated his capabilities to the admiration of both his personnel and the civil populace at large.

Upon assuming office, DSP Sabi confronted a host of issues ranging from low esprit de corps among personnel, petty squabbles, unkempt surroundings, congested CID offices, broken-down vehicles and motorbikes, to a lack of CID forms for detectives to work effectively. Recognizing the urgent need for reform, he initiated a comprehensive plan to revitalize the station and restore confidence in the police force within the district.

Having been posted to the Lakeside district from the position of a Staff Officer at the police headquarters, he quickly moved to complete all the necessary paperwork, requested and received adequate CID forms and logistics, which he distributed among the CID personnel, greatly improving their work. One could see the smiles on the faces of the detectives since DSP Sabi took over and the demonstration of professionalism in their work.

One detective stated, “Massa, it is not easy finding a commander who is versatile and really understands the work of a detective. This man really understands our work since he was a Crime Officer himself. Now I am not afraid of taking any case because when you parade people before him, he will decode whatever mystery there is in a case and his interrogation will end up making your work very easy. Massa, the man knows his work, ask my colleagues here.”

In order to effectively tackle all the challenges, his first line of action included meetings with senior officers within the district, with whom he shared his vision of propelling the district to a higher pedestal. He also met with the Station Officer, with whom he shared his stance on discipline and punctuality at work. He explained to them that punctuality is one thing and proper work output is another. In his words, “punctuality without work output is tantamount to absence from duty.” Subsequently, he met with the general personnel and also the Residents’ Association of Lakeside.

These discussions at the various meetings fostered an all-inclusive atmosphere, allowing officers to voice their concerns and work collaboratively towards common goals. He emphasized that the welfare of his personnel is paramount because, without the workforce, he as a commander cannot survive. He makes it a point to treat all with fairness and love but in a regimentally disciplined manner that is known to be an integral part of services such as the Police Service. No complaint by personnel is flimsy or irrelevant, even if it is indeed so. DSP Sabi also visited all stations within the district to assess their conditions and needs firsthand.

This gave him the opportunity to identify each station's needs and try to find ways of solving them. He stressed that some of the challenges of the district don’t have to be sent to headquarters for attention because, as a resourceful commander, one would be able to handle some of them and only inform headquarters of it.

One of the key initiatives introduced by DSP Sabi was a focus on community engagement and welfare. He found time out of his busy schedule, looking at the activities in the lead-up to the election, to spend three hours with the Iqra Islamic School in Ashalley Botwe, where he took both authorities, teachers, and pupils through important tips on security.

At this meeting, DSP Sabi spoke in English, Twi, Hausa, Kotokoli, and even some level of Basaare to the admiration and surprise of all. Not to mention his humour-laden presentations and drama that made his interaction a “never wish to end” one. It is not surprising that teachers of the school have been on the necks of the authorities to bring him back anytime soon.

He organized the first welfare meeting, where he laid out his plans for an all-inclusive work environment emphasizing discipline, punctuality, and proper dressing. This commitment to professionalism has led to increased morale among officers, who now feel more motivated and involved in their work. Comparing the mood of personnel shortly before the start of the meeting and after the meeting was a clear indication that personnel really felt that there was a new positive wind of change in the district.

Residents of Lakeside have taken notice of these efforts, with many expressing their appreciation for DSP Sabi's leadership. Community members report feeling safer as police visibility has increased, and the proactive measures taken to combat theft have proven particularly effective. Local residents have applauded the police force for their responsiveness and dedication to ensuring the safety of the community. An example is an operation DSP organized and personally led that culminated in stopping the snatching of phones and bags from residents at dawn and dusk.

One resident encapsulated this feeling, saying, “Since DSP Sabi took over, we’ve seen a real difference in how the police engage with us. He is affable and knowledgeable, and once you engage him, you will wish the conversation never ends. He exudes confidence and demonstrates a high professional standard that is unsurpassable in my view. They are more approachable, and we feel comfortable reporting issues now.”

According to residents, they see a rise in police patrols, which has made a noticeable impact on reducing theft in the area. Two more motorbike patrols were added, and the response time for residents has increased significantly. The DSP is always available to speak to, regardless of the time of day. He will return your call in less than 30 minutes if he misses any call. This is highly commendable for all commanders to emulate.

Additionally, the collaboration between the police and the community has fostered a sense of trust, allowing residents to work hand-in-hand with law enforcement. The open-door policy established by DSP Sabi encourages citizens to share their concerns and suggestions, further strengthening this partnership. Residents are now ever ready to help the police in whatever way they can due to his excellent leadership.

The successful implementation of various projects aimed at improving police operations has also contributed to enhanced public perception. Residents feel that their voices are being heard and that their safety is a priority for the Lakeside District Police. The efforts to combat theft have not only resulted in increased police presence but also in effective communication strategies that keep the community informed and engaged.

DSP Sabi has instituted a monthly endurance walk which takes place every last Saturday of the month. This walk is climaxed with a Kenkey party where both senior officers and other ranks mingle and socialize.

Senior officers are usually made to serve the other ranks as a way of making them feel valued, similar to the approach of the IGP, Dr. Dampare, in his engagements with his men on operations. Sometimes, these walks end up on a field where games are played among officers, fostering good camaraderie. It is not surprising that residents have asked to join the next Endurance Walk, which is slated for Saturday, September 28, 2024, at 0500 HRS.

Additionally, he has sourced funds for the installation of CCTV cameras around the District Headquarters and Community 8 Police Station, which enables him to keep an eye on all his personnel at all times. Events and incidents of police interest can also be recorded, and a playback made possible to unravel any mystery around the station at all times. The CCTV project is to be extended to cover all the stations under the district to put the whole district in view at all times; a paradigm shift in policing never seen before starts with the Lakeside District Police.

Similarly, DSP Sabi has undertaken the repair and restoration of three spoiled police motorcycles used for patrols, which were previously unserviceable. These bikes had been unserviceable for a long time before he took over. Likewise, he caused the repair and restoration of one Toyota pickup used for district patrols. This pickup had been unserviceable and off-road for a long time and was almost abandoned at the workshop.

He led a search for it and revisited works on it, and it is currently on the road and enhancing policing in the district. To further enhance effectiveness and efficiency in the district, DSP Sabi has outlined other projects on the drawing board for implementation. He is gathering and sourcing funds to pave the entire district headquarters and Community 8 compound.

Also, an extension of the Community 8 Police Station to create a sizeable exhibit room has actually started. Next to these will be the painting and general compound décor works to give all police installations within the district a good look. Improvement of the lighting around the headquarters and stations to improve security has not been left out either.

DSP Shaibu Alhassan Sabi’s leadership at the Lakeside District Police has ushered in a new era of community-focused policing.

The positive changes implemented under his guidance have not only improved the morale of police personnel but have also garnered praise from residents who appreciate the commitment to combating theft and enhancing safety in the area. As the station continues to evolve, the partnership between the police and the community promises to create a safer and more secure environment for all.

Source: Emmanuel Osei Kwadwo, Contributor