
Let's encourage study of science - Regional Minister

Fri, 18 Mar 2005 Source: GNA

Sunyani (B/A), March 18, GNA - Nana Kwadwo Seinti, Brong-Ahafo Regional Minister has called for a national crusade to encourage the study of science and its related subjects in all educational institutions.

He said the growth and progress of any developing nation like Ghana depended on her infrastructure and human resource development. Speaking at a regional science, technology and mathematics education (STME) clinic project competition in Sunyani, Nana Seinti emphasized that for Ghana to attain a higher level of development there was the need for a high level of both male and female participation in science, technology and mathematics education.

The competition, which was on the theme: "Scientific and technological education: the hope of the nation", was organised by the Ghana Education Service and sponsored by Action Aid Ghana, an NGO. The Regional Minister added: "As a country faced with the challenge of the rapid technology advancement and changes in the global village, we have no choice but to take advantage of the benefits of technology to advance the course of our development".

Nana Seinti said the demand on the country to join the rest of the world in science and technology placed a responsibility on the educational sector to provide the requisite human resource deeply knowledgeable in the application of science and technology. He advised the students to abstain from unhealthy social practices that would ruin their future careers.

Mrs. Mercy Amankwah, Regional Coordinator of STME, said the study of science and technology must be accorded paramount importance if the country was to raise the living standard of the people. She said STME, instituted in 1987, was aimed at developing and maintaining science and technology culture among Ghanaians, especially girls, for national development.

Mrs. Akua Akubour Debrah, Regional Director of Education inspected an STME clinic project exhibition mounted by selected basic and second cycle institutions, representing all the districts in the region.

Source: GNA