
Love for one's country is part of faith- Ameer

Sun, 26 Sep 2004 Source: GNA

Accra, Sept. 26, GNA- Muslims have been urged to realise that as believers, love for one's country was part of faith and as such it imposes a heavy responsibility on them to strictly adhere to it. Maulvi Wahab Adam, Ameer and Missionary-in-Charge of the Ahmaddiyya Muslims Mission, who said this, charged Muslims to be concerned when the national security was threatened and national leaders, performing below expectation.

He was speaking at the 33rd Greater Accra Regional Conference of the Mission at Ashongman, near Accra on Sunday. The theme for the conference was: "Love for one's country is part of faith".

Maulvi Adam said the injunction of the prophet Mohammed to Muslims to love their country was as a religious obligation that must be taken seriously.

"Love of our country should make us lament when is in difficulty. We must strive hard to ensure there is peace and prosperity and we must be concerned for the welfare of our country, he said. The Ameer said while Islam believes in internationalism, it at the same time believes that when people love their country and contribute to development, the effect would be the overall development of the whole world.

He said Allah has endowed the country with so many natural resources, which could be utilised for the development of the country. He said Ghanaians must accept the reality and stop blaming their leaders all the time for the problems of the country.

Alhaji Abdul Rahman Ennin, Greater Accra Regional President of the Mission called Ahmadis to intensify their preaching to spread the peaceful and humane teachings of Islam.

He also urged Ahmadi parents to dedicate their children to be trained as missionaries to minister the growing converts of the Ahmadiyyas.

Source: GNA