Trucks carry mineral ore. File photo.
Residents of Prestea have expressed fears that the Ankobra Bridge serving them and the people of Bogoso could soon cave, in considering the deteriorating condition and cracks it has developed.
This situation has made users live in fear that they would one day wake up to see the only bridge linking them and people of Prestea caved in.
The residents have laid the blame squarely on the doorsteps of mining companies operating in the area, as well as illegal mining (galamsey) activities being undertaken by some residents under the bridge.
Speaking to The Western File after a visit to Prestea, the residents said that the continuous use of the bridge by heavy duty trucks belonging to the mining companies have contributed to the cracks developing on the bridge.
A resident, who gave his name as Charles, took this reporter to the bridge and said that they had complained to their opinion leaders to stop the heavy duty trucks from using the bridge, but nothing has come out of it.
He said, apart from the heavy duty trucks using the bridge, pedestrians also use it at a grave risk.
“Sometimes we will have to wait for minutes for the heavy duty trucks to finish carting their goods before we can access same.”
A journalist, who did not want to be named, mentioned Golden Star Resources, a mining company operating in the area, of contributing to the cracks developing on the bridge.
Said the journalist: “The bridge is all the time shaking when the heavy duty trucks use it.”
A report, according to him, had been made to chiefs and opinion leaders to find a way to stop the heavy duty trucks from using the bridge, but nothing good had come out of it.
Another area that has also contributed to the cracks developed by the bridge has to do with galamsey operators.
The galamsey operators, who mainly come from the area, work directly under the bridge in search of gold, and in the process, contribute to the weakening of the foundation through the digging of holes.