Rockson Ayine Bukari, Upper East Regional Minister (middle)
Landlords in the Upper East region who do not have toilet facilities have from now to December to provide those facilities or risk having their houses closed down.
Upper East Regional Minister, Rockson Ayine Bukari who dropped the hint charged the public to report such landlords to sanitation units of the various assemblies for them to “be disgraced before the whole world” if found defecating openly.
These stringent measures according to him are aimed at redeeming the region’s denting image on open defecation from further deteriorating.
The Upper East region according to United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) report tops in terms of open defecation in Ghana.
Speaking at a Town Hall Meeting of Bolgatanga Municipal Assembly, Mr. Bukari also tasked municipal and district assemblies in the region “to form task forces to arrest those who defecate openly and send them to court for prosecution”
On revenue collection, the minister entreated the public report to the necessary authorities under suspicion of fraud on the part of revenue collectors.
“Do not allow revenue collectors to collect money without issuing receipts or collect goods instead of money. You have to assist the assembly in checking the collectors”