
More than 520 billion cedis distributed under common fund

Mon, 3 Mar 2003 Source: gna

Worawora (Volta Region) - The government has since 2001 disbursed a total of 520.97 billion cedis to District Assemblies under the District Assemblies Common Fund (DACF).

Kwadwo Baah-Wiredu, Minster of Local Government and Rural Development (MLGRD) disclosed this in a speech read for him, at the weekend during the first bi-monthly conclave meeting for District Chief Executives (DCEs) from the Volta, Eastern and the Greater Accra regions at Worawora in the Jasikan District.

He said 66.97 billion cedis was disbursed in January, this year, as part of the first quarter allocation of 2002 DACF, while 265.27 billion cedis and 188.73 billion cedis were disbursed in 2002 and 2001 respectively.

The Minister said innovative measures were being adopted to hasten the prompt release and disbursement of the fund to facilitate development. He implored the DCEs to work with their Presiding Members (PMs), Members of Parliament (MPs), Assemblymembers, Chairmen of Committees and other officials towards the judicious use of funds.

"Take note that these are public monies, which must and be accounted for", the Minister emphasised. Baah-Wiredu stressed that PMs be provided with offices and a secretary to enable them execute programmes and contribute efficiently as demanded under section 27 of ACT 462.

He urged the DCEs to ensure that markets, lorry parks and streets were clean and beautified. Kwasi Owusu-Yeboa, Volta Regional Minister said effective and efficient local government administration was an indispensable pre-condition for rural poverty reduction and development.

Samuel Baidu Kelele, Jasikan DCE said the assembly would spend 150 million cedis this year to facilitate land acquisition, procurement and construct irrigation facilities to boost agriculture.

Source: gna