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NALAG supports creation of new districts

Thu, 14 Aug 2003 Source: GNA

Wa, Aug 14, GNA- The National Association of Local Authorities of Ghana (NALAG) on Tuesday declared its support for the government's intension to create additional districts to bring local government closer to the people.

The Association said some of the districts are too large for any meaningful implementation of the decentralization policy and therefore, needed to be separated.

Naa Abubakari Abdul Rahman, the First National Vice-President, made NALAG's stand on the issue at the first ever Upper West Regional delegates conference of the Association at Wa.

Naa Abdul Rahman commended the government for improving women's participation in local government.

The one-day conference took stock of the activities of NALAG in the region as a prelude to its national delegates conference slated for Sekondi in October.

Mr Sahanum Mogtari, Upper West Regional Minister, appealed to District Chief Executives and Presiding Members to adhere strictly to their roles assigned to them in order to avoid conflicts. He appealed to assembly members to help their assemblies in their revenue mobilisation.

Mr Mogtari urged NALAG to internally generate funds in their assemblies and expressed the hope that rebirth of NALAG would bring speedy progress to the local government system.

Mr Godfrey Bayon Tangu, Wa Municipal Chief Executive, suggested to NALAG to assist the assemblies to establish legal units to team up with the Attorney-General's Department to defend assemblies from litigants.

Source: GNA