
NCCE, Plan-International Ghana builds capacity of children

Ncce A photo of some of the beneficiaries

Fri, 26 Feb 2021 Source: Albert Kuzor, Contributor

The Volta regional office of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) and Plan-International Ghana, trained some children in the South Tongu District of the Volta region.

The capacity-building workshop held in Sogakope started on Friday, 26 February 2021 saw some eighteen children from across the district to represent their various schools and expected to end on Sunday, 28 February 2021.

They were schooled on the children’s right, domestic violence, community entry skills, basic report writing skills and overview of the 1992 constitution, aimed to prepare the minds of the children to be able to make decision and speak against any form of child abuse and unlawful behaviour in a society.

Volta Regional Director of Social Welfare, in charge of Children, Mr. Israel Akrobotu took the students through Children’s Right with emphases on the girl child. He urged the participants to be agents of change in their various communities and schools on the course of ensuring that, child trafficking and all form of issues affecting children is discouraged.

Speaking to the media after his presentation, he said Ghana as a country is doing well in protecting children but it is sad to note that, parents and society are not doing enough to bringing up children.

“ Our parents are gradually failing us in terms of child upbringing, society is also gradually failing us in terms of instilling good moral value into our children” and advised that “ the protecting children have to take place in our family, take place in our community”

Officer in charge of Domestic Violence and Victim Support Unit (DOVVSU) from the South Tongu Police Command, Detective Inspector David K. Fiamor also educated the children on types of domestic violence, abuses and remedies.

He revealed that “lack of education, lack of campaigning through public address system especially community radios” is the major factor that is hindering their efforts of combating domestic violence in the district, he, however, urged residents and the entire Ghanaian populace to prioritise protection of children.

Deputy Director of NCCE, Mr. Oral Robert Amenyo who facilitated the children on report writing urged them to develop the act of writing reports on issues that are affecting them or other children in their schools and communities to the appropriate authorities for remedies.

Mr. Oral Amenyo said the workshop will equip the children with the knowledge to enable them to be good decision-makers in the development of their communities and Ghana as a whole in the future.

He called on other “child interest organisations to come on board, support, collaborate with NCCE so that we can raise our children to take care of the future" he said.

Source: Albert Kuzor, Contributor