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NGO builds maternity complex for Breman Asikuma

Tue, 19 Jul 2016 Source: GNA

The Most Rev. Mathias Kobina Nketsiah, Arch Bishop of Cape Coast, has appealed to the Government to ensure prompt settlement of National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) claims submitted by the Catholic hospitals in the Central Region.

He said the continuous delay in the payment of claims was hampering the smooth and orderly operations of the hospitals adding that further delays might compel the hospitals to refuse to accept NHIS cards.

The Most Rev. Nketsiah was speaking at the inauguration of a 40-capacity ultra-modern maternity block at Our Lady of Grace Hospital in Breman Asikuma.

The project, which aims to improve the right of the child and reduce maternal mortality in the district, was through the initiative of Sister of Saint Anne and sponsored by Anesvad, an International Non-Governmental Organisation in Spain with support from Health Foundation-Ghana.

The Arch Bishop noted that the vision of the Catholic Hospital is to continue the healing mission of Jesus Christ and expressed the hope that the new block would go a long way to promote consistent quality healthcare delivery.

He said even though the hospital had grown steadily, it still needed to be upgraded to provide quality healthcare to the people and appealed for support from corporate bodies and other benevolent organisations.

Dr Francis Bentil, the Medical Superintendent of the Hospital, said it started as a clinic in 1945, became a full hospital in 1953, and its administration was handed over by the Late Archbishop of Cape Coast, John Kojo Amissah, to the Charity Sisters of St. Ann in 1970.

He said since then the hospital had been rendering quality healthcare to the people of Asikuma-Odoben-Brakwa (AOB) District and some parts of the Central and Eastern regions.

Mr Albert K. Inkoom, the AOB District Chief Executive, said to make health care delivery accessible to people in and around the district, the Assembly, in collaboration with the District Directorate of the Ghana Health Service, constructed a number of CHPS Compound at vantage points to complement the efforts of Our Lady of Grace Hospital.

He expressed appreciation to all organisations and individuals whose support had brought the project into fruition.

Odaefo Amoakwa Buadu VIII, Paramount Chief of Breman Asikuma Traditional Area, and Most Rev. Nketsiah jointly cut the tape to inaugurate the edifice.

Source: GNA