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NMC trains journalists on promoting peace

African Journalists File photo

Mon, 5 Sep 2016 Source: GNA

The National Media Commission (NMC) in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme has trained selected journalists in the Northern Region on promoting peace.

The one-day training, which was held in Tamale, formed part of the overall initiative by the NMC to promote peace journalism in the upcoming general election.

Dr Seidu Alidu, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Political Science of the University of Ghana, who was the resource person for the training, urged journalists to firm up their gate-keeping roles by guarding against the use of intemperate words in their reportage.

He said elections were the very crucial deciding factors that determined who governed the country, and there is the likelihood that people might dwell on those factors to cause mayhem hence the need for journalists to use their platforms to promote peace.

He urged journalists to use their work to strengthen people’s resolve to achieving peace since the country could only consolidate her democracy when there was peaceful co-existence.

Source: GNA