
New executive of Christian Service University inducted

Fri, 26 May 2006 Source: GNA

Kumasi, May 26, GNA - A chaplain of the Christian Service University College, a private university in Kumasi, has stressed the need for unity and harmony among executives of the School Representative Councils (SRCs) to ensure the common goal of students.

Reverend Benny Ampong, the chaplain, was preaching at an induction of new executives of the university's SRC in Kumasi on Thursday. He noted that to facilitate the smooth running of tertiary institutions there was the need for students to see themselves as one body with a common destiny, fighting the same cause.

He said leadership roles were challenging and therefore urged them to take their positions as a training to enable them takes up future positions with confidence.

Mr Emmanuel Hagan Gaisie, outgoing President of the STC, said the group has been able to foster formidable relations between the students and the university authorities.

He announced that the SRC has for the first time the university produced a constitution, which would serve as a guide for all student activities.

Mr Gaisie asked the new executives to rely on God for strength, wisdom and direction in all their undertakings. Mr Joshua Mainoo, in-coming President, urged students to resort to laid down rules when seeking for redress and avoid confrontations and demonstrations.

He appealed to the students to throw their weight behind the executive to enable them work effectively and efficiently. Mr S.K. Adubofour, acting Principal of the University, asked the executives to be respectful, sincere and transparent to win the confidence of the student body.

Other executive members of the SRC are Mr Samuel Aduamah, vice-president, Miss Magdalene Esi Addam, general secretary and Mr Kwabena Koranteng, treasurer. 26 May 06

Source: GNA