
Ningo drivers protest payment of tolls

Somanya Taxi Drivers

Sat, 29 Jun 2013 Source: GNA

Ningo commercial drivers in the Greater Accra Region have protested against the payment of tolls to the Ningo/Prampram District Assembly.

They said their stance was as a result of two toll booths mounted recently at Miopso and Abia by the Assembly on the sections of the Prampram-Ningo road.

The drivers expressed their sentiment when the executives of the Great Ningo Youth Association, led by its Chairman, Mr Ebenezer Amanor met them on Tuesday at Old Ningo main lorry park.

The meeting was held to brief the drivers on the measures being taken by the Ningo Traditional Council to solve traffic congestion and to bring discipline on the Ningo town roads and other matters.

The drivers said the action by the Assembly was just to extort monies from them in view of the Ningo citizens refusal to pay levies and that they (drivers) would not bow to any pressure from any quarters.

They stressed that to the best of their knowledge, tolls were to be paid on major roads and not feeder roads.

Briefing the drivers on measures being taken by the traditional council, Mr Amanor said the main lorry park at Ningo would be rehabilitate to accommodate all commercial vehicles that ply the area to prevent them from parking on the shoulders of the road to pick passengers.

He said the Council would also introduce lorry park tickets for tolls and would ensure that all town roads were motorable to ease vehicular traffic.

Mr Amanor advised the drivers to come together and speak with one voice on matters that affect their operation.

Speaking to the Ghana News Agency later in an interview, Mr Samuel Andoh, Ningo/Prampram District Coordinator, said the toll booths were meant to put checks on floating drivers, who did not procure tickets from the lorry parks, under the jurisdiction of the Assembly.

Mr Andoh said letters from the Assembly concerning the toll booths had been served by the various drivers’ unions in the area and they had accepted them and therefore it was a surprise to him that some drivers were now up against them.

He said the issue of a separate district for Ningo and their refusal not to be part of the Assembly was a major concern that was being address through the Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanism for peace to prevail.

He said the core mandate of the district assembly was to bring development for the people and that despite the agitation of the people of Ningo, the Assembly was going ahead in providing them the necessary social amenities.

Mr Andoh tendered documents to confirm projects that had been undertaken by the Assembly for the Ningo area.

They include streetlights, school blocks, toilet facilities, construction of CHPS compounds, provision of Police quarters, construction of speed ramps, rehabilitation of Ningo town roads, and a number of ongoing projects in the area.

“Notwithstanding the stance of the people of Ningo, we have approved projects and budget for development of the area for this year. We are not bias when it comes to allocation or sharing of resources. We cannot leave out Ningo in our scheme of affairs in terms of provision of development project,” the Coordinator said.

“The Assembly is doing all these so that people would not suffer and also for them to change their posture and join us one day. The solution to the issues of the people of Ningo is almost near,” he said.

Source: GNA