
Nkwanta North District passes resolution to accept communities

Sun, 15 May 2011 Source: GNA

Members of the Nkwanta North District Assembly (NNDA) has unanimously passed a resolution to grant recognition to communities seeking to be part of the district.

New Agou, Jumbo One and Two, which by legislation were part of Nkwanta South District have remained a “no man’s enclave” after their petitions to be part of the NNDA have remained unattended to for eight years.

Mr Paul Levin Gyato, Chief Executive of NNDA, who gave the details during an Ordinary Assembly meeting, said the passage of the resolution kick-started processes towards granting legitimacy status to the aggrieved communities.

He said the Electoral Commission and the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development would mainstream processes of creating two electoral areas for the communities as a permanent solution in due course.

He said the agitated communities depended wholly on the NNDA for their social and economic livelihoods and that it would be proper to grant their request to stem escalating tensions with security threats in the area.

Mr Gyato said the people of Agou and Jumbo were intertwined culturally, linguistically and geographically with Kpassa, the district capital, and asked that this bonding was made real.

Nana Tamanja II and Nana Laso III, Chiefs of New Agou and Jumbo respectively and their people have since 2003 boycotted all national and local government organised elections to date, as a protest for unheeded grievances from the authorities.

They said it was strange that Agou and Jumbo, which were on the southern fringes of River Kpassa, the district boundary, were ceded to Nkwanta South with Kamanchu and Ebetiyie to the south having legitimacy in NNDA.

Source: GNA