
Nkwanta performs abysmally in revenue generation

Tue, 18 Dec 2007 Source: GNA

Nkwanta (V/R), Dec. 18, GNA - Nkwanta District performed abysmally in revenue generation, collecting GHc68, 142 out of the estimated annual target of GHc113, 210 as at the end of October. This constitutes 60 percent of its annual revenue projection. The assembly within the same period in 2006 was able to generate GHc60, 639 out of a target of GHc140, 000 representing 42.6 percent of revenue projection.

Mr. Joseph Booker Denteh, Nkawnta District Chief Executive, said this at the second ordinary session of the assembly on Monday. He blamed the abysmal revenue performance on inadequate education on revenue mobilization, unenclosed markets, refusal to honour basic and other rates and poor performance of ageing collectors. Mr Denteh said the assembly's effort at generating revenue through the sale of bicycle and motorbike stickers was being jolted with poor patronage.

Mr. Denteh said another challenge was the ceding of three major markets - Kpassa, Damanko and Tinjase markets - to the new Nkwanta North District with the capital at Kpassa. He said he was optimistic that these challenges would be stemmed when more friendly and pragmatic revenue generation strategies were deployed. Under the European Union Micro Projects Programme, Mr. Denteh said, two sanitation facilities, education infrastructure, a warehouse and a culvert were at advanced stages of completion at a total cost of GHc200, 000.

He said four classroom blocks at Obunja, Kabre-Akura, Jumbo Cheri and Potripo have been completed under the Community-Based Rural Development Project (CBRDP) at a cost of GHc160, 000 in addition to the construction of the Kpassa/Nangingong feeder road. He said the district was a benefiting from a British Department For International Development (DFID) fund to build and furnish two six-unit classroom blocks for Kpassa Local Authority Primary 'A' and 'B'. Some 70 boreholes are being built and the Church of Christ, Hunger and Poverty Reduction Fund, Community Water and Sanitation Agency (CWSA), the European Union and CBRDP are financing the project at a cost of GHC504, 000.

Mr. Denteh said a total of 542 youth were benefiting from five modules under the National Youth Employment Programme (NYEP) namely, teaching assistants, health extension workers, agri-business, sanitation guards and community protection.

Under its Mutual Health Insurance Scheme, he said a total of GHc84, 743 premiums had been collected so far with a corresponding rise in membership from 21,175 in 2006 to 38,078 as of October, this year.

Source: GNA