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Nsawam market women commend MP for market extention

Wed, 4 Jun 2008 Source: GNA

Nsawam, (E/R) June 4, GNA - Madam Yaa Ntobea, Queenmother of the Nsawam Market Women's Association has commended Mr. Magnus Opare Asamoah, MP for Aburi-Nsawam Constituency for using part of his MP's Common Fund to expand the market. Together with other market women, Madam Ntobea praised the MP for also using part of the fund to pay the school fees of 150 brilliant but needy students at the high school and university levels. The women registered their appreciation to Mr Opare Asamoah, who is also the Deputy of Transportation Minister when he inspected the extension structures at the market at the weekend. The extension project, being done by Messrs Jilcon Company Limited at a cost of GH¢ 50,107, includes the construction of modern toilet facilities, bathrooms and urinals. The stalls are constructed in a way that they adjoined one another, creating a wall around the market to provide protection against intruders.

The project, which is at the roofing stage, is expected to complete by the end of July, 2008. Mr. Opare Asamoah was also grateful to the women for co-operating with him to undertake the extension project, saying women in other markets had resisted such good moves by government. He said such resistance created unnecessary congestion at the markets with attendant negative health effects. He appealed to the market women and the constituents to give him their mandate and vote for him in the forthcoming December elections so that he could continue with other development projects in the constituency.

Mr William Opare, Director of Jilcon Company Limited said women who did not have stalls would access them after completion so that they would not sell under the scorching sun. He appealed to the women to take proper care of the facilities in the market. 04 June 08

Source: GNA