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Obuasi needs a substantive MCE - PM

Mon, 25 Aug 2008 Source: GNA

Obuasi, Aug 25, GNA - An urgent appeal has been made to President J. A. Kufuor to nominate a substantive Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) for Obuasi, since the absence of one was retarding the implementation of the assembly's programmes. Nana Asirifi Asare II, the Presiding Member, who made the appeal at a general assembly meeting at Obuasi, said a substantive MCE would facilitate the work of the assembly and bring improvements to the municipality.

According to the Presiding Member, there were a lot of things the Municipal Co-ordinating Director cannot do because of his position and that was retarding progress in the municipality. The Ashanti Regional Minister, Mr Emmanuel Asamoah Owusu-Ansah has being acting as MCE, since Mr Joseph Kwadwo Boampong was relief of his post in March, this year. "I am appealing through the Regional Minister for a substantive MCE," Nana Asare said.

The need for an MCE became more promising when the presiding member announced that, the assembly should allow the Regional Minister to read his sessional address since he had an emergency call-back to Kumasi. Mr Victor Alhassan Bawa, Assembly Member for Obuasi Zongo, said although the Regional Minister had a heavy schedule, it was his responsibility to see to the holding of the meeting in line with assembly procedures, because he was the acting MCE. Mr John Sackey, the Assembly Member for New Nsuta-JJ, who corroborated that observation, added that it was difficult to get the Minister and that "as for today he is for Obuasi assembly". On his part, the Assembly Member for Kwabenakwa, Mr Justice Anokye, suggested the postponement of the meeting to the time that the acting MCE would have a full day for the assembly. Reacting, the Regional Minister said the call-back to Kumasi bothered on security issues, but gave the assurance that "the meeting will go on".

Mr Owusu-Ansah announced that the President was working on the issue of an MCE for Obuasi and that he was considering the number of applications received. "I will thank God if an MCE is nominated today, since I have a lot on my sleeves as a Regional Minister and a Member of Parliament", the acting MCE said. 25 Aug. 08

Source: GNA