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One missing, several displaced in Tamale flood

Eastern Floods2010 Flooded area in Ghana

Mon, 25 Jul 2016 Source:

One person is missing and many others displaced in a heavy rain and stormy weather that ravaged parts of Tamale the Northern regional capital Sunday evening.

The rain which started early Sunday poured heavily for 5-6 hour and drenched many parts of the metropolis leaving an elderly woman missing and rendered several people homeless.

The woman, according to Starr News sources, was returning from trading and got knocked into a running water which dragged her into a bridge on the Sheshagu - Kunyavila road.

Local search party including officials of the fire department in the region could not find her.

Communities affected are Kunyevila, Dungu, Asawaba, Shishagu, Nahada and Dungu Kukuo where many buildings are swamped by floodwaters causing massive damage to properties.

The same areas faced the possibility of massive disaster as the rain season sets in, authorities have said.

The torrential rain also caused dams to overrun into the communities and washed away some buildings and causing water to flow into structures.

Many roads including the one running from Business High School to the Kunyevila and its surrounding communities were inaccessible and many were left stranded.

At Asawaba and Dungu houses were submerged and many people trapped and several properties swept away by the winding passage of the waters.

"It's terrible and how are people getting to their home? When I was coming around 4-5 I had to pass through Dungu- I have to go back and I think that was the time the old woman got drowned, and are we waiting to lose lives before we can work on this road?" a stranded resident of Kunyevila lamented.

Resident refused evacuation and rescue efforts by firemen who waded through thigh deep water to their homes where water rose to dangerous levels.

Currently people are living in their submersed homes while others have moved to stay with friends and families.
