
PSGH calls on FWSC to apologise for unacceptable comment

Fri, 12 Apr 2013 Source: GNA

The Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana (PSGH) has called on Mr Cornelius Yawson, Director Grievances of the Fare Wages and Salaries Commission to apologise to all Pharmacists for describing them as chickens on TV3’s news at 10.

A statement by Kwame Adjei, President of the Junior Pharmacists Association and copied to the Ghana News Agency, said such a comment from human resource and labour relations experts administering the country’s salary issues was highly unacceptable.

It said Pharmacists have been treated unfairly by the FWSC in the migration onto the Single Spine Salary Structure (SSSS), their conduct and posture concerning the pharmacist labour issues is just a calculated attempt to devalue the worth of pharmacists.

The statement however reminded FWSC that in spite everything, GHOSPA is focused, determined, and committed to advancing on its case until it gets its due on the Single Spine Pay Policy.

It said the FWSC should use the job evaluations and re-evaluations and the time-honoured relativities in the sector to determine the level and market premiums of pharmacists.

Source: GNA