Some students of Tema Senior High School
The Greater Accra Regional Office organized Public Education Program to create and sustained efforts of sensitizing consumers on their rights and responsibilities.
A special program dubbed “Catch them Young” was conducted at the Tema High Senior School in the Greater Accra Region.
The Staff and Students were educated on the formation of PURC, and its functions such as; the protection of interest of consumers and providers of utilities; receive and investigate complaints and settle disputes between consumers and public utilities; examine and approving water and electricity rate; monitor end enforcement of standards of performance for provision of utility services; advise any person or authority in respect of any public utility.
The commission advised the Students’ to take the education seriously because they are the country future leaders and ambassadors.
The commission also explained to the staff and students on energy and water conservation; that is ironing in bulk, switch of lights when not in use, they and their families must not leave Television and other gadgets on standby mode, they were encouraged avoid acts of illegal connections of power and electricity and report such illegal connections to the utilities or PURC.
Finally the staff and students were advised them to report, or inform their parents to report burst pipes and avoid illegal connections.