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Police Officer brutalises businessman

Kwame Amponsah Kwame Amponsah

Thu, 28 Jan 2016 Source: Daily Guide

An Accra-based businessman has dragged one Chief Inspector Kingsley Adu of the Legon District Police Command before the Police Intelligence and Professional Standards Bureau (PIPS) for allegedly assaulting him during an arrest.

He has called on the acting Inspector General of Police, John Kudalor, to act on this unfair treatment meted out to him by Chief Inspector Adu on November 30, 2015, at Legon.

The victim, Kwame Amponsah, according to reports, was given a hefty slap by the policeman during an arrest over allegations levelled against him by two Canadians.

In a statement issued in Accra and copied to the Inspector General of Police, the Attorney General’s Department and the Interior Ministry, Mr Amponsah said a person is not guilty until the courts of law prove otherwise. But in his case, the said Chief Inspector took the law into his own hands, brutally assaulted him before finally locking him up.

Without taking the matter to court within the stipulated 24 hours, Mr Amponsah said, the police further accused him of robbery.

“I was again not given the chance to inform my lawyers but while in custody, the police invited TV3 Network, a local television station, to capture me for having defrauded some foreign nationals without even going into the case to establish the truth.”

He questioned, “Can a police officer slap a person in the presence of his subordinates in the name of making an arrest?” . On November 30, 2015, the Legon Police stormed the offices of Bar Purity to arrest the director after they claimed the Canadians had lodged a complaint that the company had defrauded them.

National Service Personnel and visitors were also apprehended and detained for several hours before they were set free.

The policeman allegedly moved the director’s new Toyota Camry vehicle while the hand brake was on, destroying the gearbox in the process.

Mr Amponsah is calling on the Inspector General of Police to intervene and bring the police officer to book.

Source: Daily Guide