
Police, 'Wee' Dealers Share Compound

Fri, 20 Feb 2004 Source: Weekend Heritage

Tension that can degenerate into a very bloody confrontation is brewing at Madina Zongo Junction as the previously 'free residence' of some marijuana barons there has been turned into a special police barracks.

And the 'wee' smokers will have none of it and have refused to evacuate their palatial abode.

Already there are reports that two of the policemen have sustained knife wounds in recent clashes with the 'wee' boys. The hitherto drug den is a 44-room complex abandoned by REDCO Ltd. for close to three decades. The marijuana pushers have since occupied the place and turned it into a centre for drug trading, lawlessness, crime and all sorts of illegal activities. The government, however, recently renovated the building and turned it into a police barracks. Expectedly this has not gone down well with the drug dealers.

Speaking to Weekend Heritage, the wee smokers stated their displeasure and vowed to take their revenge on the police. One drug pusher, a black tall Rastafarian who is physically challenged, said: "They can't do anything. The other time some of them arrested me to the police station because I was carrying some of "it", they were ashamed when I got back within 45 minutes." There have reportedly been rampant skirmishes between the police and the wee smokers in which knives were freely used as the police tried to stop people from defecating around, since there are no places of convenience. The barracks boys declined to comment when contacted. They also prevented this reporter from taking pictures of the building, explaining that the place is now a security zone.

Sources at the Madina Police Station, however, confirmed a report that the barracks boys made when two Constables sustained knife wounds in a recent tussle with the wee smokers. The source also disclosed that the barracks boys are specially trained from the National Security.

Deep throat sources at the National Security, however, ridiculed the drug pushers' threat and indicated that the situation is firmly under control. Meanwhile, residents around the new barracks are delighted at the presence of the police.

Source: Weekend Heritage