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Pupils walk through water to school

Student Water11 Some students walking through water to school

Sat, 8 Jul 2017 Source:

Some Ghanaians are fuming with anger over photos that showed some pupils in the Volta Region walking through water on their way to school. Click here to get the latest trending news in Ghana.

According to social media reports, the pupils who were heading to school at Dadevikope near Tsito in Volta Region.

It is not immediately cleared why they had to wade through water to get there, but heavy rains could have flooded the roads.

On social media, the pictures provoked outrage, with many Ghanaian portraying them as evidence of the government's failure to provide basic amenities for the people.

"I'm even short of words. Politicians are making fool out of us," a Facebok user, Ishamel Quashie, said.

Some also condemned the erstwhile National Democratic Congress administrations of Jerry Rawlings, John Mahama and Atta Mills for, according to them, failing to develop the Volta Region in all their years in office.

"NDC have ruled GH more than any other party for 27 good years and yet see the mess Volta region is in after voting one-way for the NDC. God have mercy," Facebook user, Collin Aggrey said.
