Mr Peter Ackah has sounded a word of caution to the contractors who have left the projects
An outspoken and vocal communicator of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) of Ellembelle Constituency in the Western Region, Mr Peter Ackah has sounded a word of caution to the contractors who have left some projects in Ellembelle District uncompleted but have taken the money to revisit the sites as soon a possible to continue the projects.
Speaking to the media, Mr Ackah said the contractor working on Esiama-Nkroful-Teleku Bokazo road should go back to the site and finish the work.
The media understand that that road was given to a Chinese contractor in 2016 prior to the general elections but the contractor stopped working on the road after the change of government. The reason is best known to the contractor.
He added, "let me use the media to warn some contractors who have been paid but left the projects uncompleted to resume to work to prevent any embarrassment"
Commenting on the confirmation of Ellembelle DCE, Mr Peter Ackah said on the the priorities of the Ellembelle DCE, Mr Kwasi Bonzo is to see to it Esiama-Nkroful-Asasetre roads are constructed. He also said, he believed Mr Kwasi Bonzo as DCE for Ellembelle District and and Mr Emmanuel Armah Kofi-Buah as MP for Ellembelle will call for speedy development and unity in the constituency.
Mr Ackah added that Mr Kwasi Bonzo and Mr Armah Buah are family related brothers therefore there is the need for the two put their heads together to support the teeming unemployed youths in Ellembelle District.
"I strongly believe that these two friends and brothers who are now in charge of Ellembelle Parliamentary office and District Assembly office is a destiny story by God. Armah Buah is titled as 'Action Man' and Mr Kwasi Bonzo as 'Ellembelle David'. These two lobbyists will do their best to help Ellembelle to develop rapidly", Mr Ackah assured.
He also told the media that there is now unity in the Ellembelle NPP indicating that the party leadership and Kwasi Bonzo have sat to dispense justice so there is no more internal wrangling. Mr Ackah quoted that "after competition there is cooperation" to buttress his point.
Mr Peter Ackah showered praises to the Assembly Members, the Presiding Member, Traditional Authorities, Religious Bodies, Party Members and other stakeholders of Ellembelle to the smooth endorsement given to Mr Kwasi Bonzo as DCE for Ellembelle District.