
Rev. Dr. Prempeh decries struggle for positions in the church

Mon, 26 Apr 2004 Source: GNA

Kumasi, April 26, GNA - The Right Reverend Dr Sam Prempeh, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, has cautioned Christians not to allow acquisition of positions in the church derail their focus on vigorously proclaiming the gospel. He said the over indulgence in the struggle for positions in the church in recent times was in sharp contrast with the Apostles Creed and also had the tendency to divide the church.

Delivering the sermon at the end of the four-day Ninth Biennial Conference of the National Spirituals Evangelistic Association (NASO) of the church in Kumasi on Sunday, Dr Prempeh reminded Christians that it behoved on them to collectively use their talents for the spiritual growth of the church.

The conference had as its theme: "Come Let Us Walk In The Light Of The Lord" and reviewed the past activities of the Church to find ways of improving evangelism in the Presbyterian Church. The Moderator observed that as the church was not a secular institution, all unhealthy competitions that brought Christianity into disrepute should cease.

"Church leaders should not fight for positions to lord it over the people but must willingly serve the congregation as has been commissioned".

The Rev. Dr Yaw Frimpong-Manso, Chairman of the Asante Presbytery, called on churches to fight all forms of dehumanising acts and the marginalisation of the vulnerable and poor in society.

He reminded Christians that the church as an agent of change should be seen to be leading the crusade against indiscipline in all its forms and magnitude and that until Christians were able to point out the corruption and immorality that had engulfed the nation, the society will continue to be disadvantaged. 26 April 04

Source: GNA