
SMCs should not encroach on authority of school heads

Fri, 27 Oct 2006 Source: GNA

Barekuma (Ash), Oct. 27, GNA - Mr Richard Owusu-Agyemang, Atwima-Nwabiagya District Community Participation Co-ordinator, has advised School Management Committees (SMCs) to desist from encroaching on the authority of basic school heads.

Instead, he said the SMCs should assist and complement the efforts of the school authorities to promote sound and uninterrupted quality education delivery.

Mr Owusu-Agyemang, who is also the Public Relations Officer at the Atwima-Nwabiagya District Education Directorate, gave the advice at a day's workshop organised by the Directorate for community leaders at Barekuma near Adankwame on Thursday.

Aimed at reactivating dormant SMCs to make them functional, the workshop was attended by chiefs, Parent-Teacher Associations (PTAs), assembly and unit committee members, teachers, religious and opinion leaders from Barekuma, Kumi and Aninkroma.

Mr Owusu-Agyemang said the SMCs could only win the trust and confidence of the communities if they maintained prudent financial management and accountability.

He charged the school community leaders to create a healthy relationship between them and the school to promote effective teaching and learning.

Mr William Awuah-Dartey, an Assistant Director of Education in-charge of supervision, charged the SMCs to spearhead the crusade against indiscipline and the breakdown of moral virtues among the youth. He advised parents to strictly monitor and supervise the activities of their children at home.

Mr Stephen Gyasi-Debrah, District Education Planning Team (DEPT) Officer, said the SMCs were non-partisan and warned them against any acts that would undermine the aims and objectives of the committee in the provision of basic quality education to the people. Mr Stephen Osei-Appiah, Adankwame Circuit Supervisor, said education had become highly competitive and that parents should adequately invest in their children's education.

Nana Kwasi Tabiri, Regent of Barekuma, who presided, said the workshop had enlightened the participants on their functions and advised them to play a major role in the development and promotion of quality education delivery in their communities. 27 Oct. 06

Source: GNA