
Six schools get Kitchen facilities in Upper Manya

Sun, 31 Aug 2014 Source: GNA

The Upper Manya Krobo District Assembly has constructed kitchen facilities for six public schools in the area to enable them to have a befitting place to eat under the school feeding programme.

The schools include the Bisa Methodist Primary, Akateng D/A Primary, Mensah Dawa D/A Primary, Teigunya Primary, Otropker D/A Primary and Nasurudin Islamic school at Asesewa.

The project started in January last year and was completed in July this year.

Mr. Nelson Gbagbo, the District Works Engineer told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) Media Auditing and Tracking of Development project team, that the kitchen facility comprises of a store room and the kitchen.

He said before the facility was provided, the meals given to the children were prepared in the open, leaving the cooks at the mercy of the weather and during heavy down pour, and that, preparing the meals became difficult and often had to be put off.

Mr Gbagbo explained that, in line with the assembly’s mandate, the issue was identified as priority projects to alleviate the stress and difficulties the cooks go through as well as ensure the safety of the children.

Source: GNA