
Somé installs new chiefs and queen mothers

A chief receives his certificate at the ceremony

Thu, 19 Oct 2023 Source: Leo Nelson, Contributor

The Somé Traditional Council has installed and out-doored seventeen new Chiefs and Queen mothers from the various divisions and clans.

The seventeen who successfully went through the various rights of passage according to Somé tradition and culture, swore oaths of allegiance to the Paramount Chief and President of the Somé Traditional Council, Torgbiga Adamah III, at a colourful durbar held at the forecourt of the palace of the Makorsor of Somé on October 15, 2023, at Agbozume, the traditional capital.

Other Chiefs and Queen mothers who were installed last year have successfully gone through their gazette process and have been officially accepted as members of the Somé Traditional Council and the House of Chiefs.

They were presented with their certificates of gazette at the ceremony to symbolize their new position and status.

The newly out doored Chiefs and Queen mothers are:

Torgbi Agboka IV

Torgbi Shiada III

Torgbi Sokpoli II

Torgbi Kpeli-- Doho III

Torgbi Agbedorme III

Torgbi Kudakpo--Ayitey III

Mama Degbenu II

Mama Edzorxoxo II

Mama Viadewonu III

Agbota Shiada Agboli

The rest are:

Torgbi Amedegbe II

Torgbi Agbeve II

Mama Tuali II

Mama Atsupui Gator II

Agbota Nane Atikpala

Agbota Michael Amedegbe

Agbota Mawuli Agbeve

Torgbiga Adamah in an address, called on the newly installed Chiefs and Queen mothers to exhibit exemplary leadership qualities and to be agents of change and peace in their communities.

"You must become agents of change and ensure that there is peace and harmony amongst your subjects at all times - we must as a people, put the past behind us and avoid unnecessary squabbles and rancour that will only divide us and thwart our resolve to see a better and prosperous Somé," the Paramount Chief emphasized.

Torgbiga Adamah indicated that prior to the installation and outdooring event, some aggrieved families broke away from the council due to some misunderstandings on the choice of candidates for the installation exercise, but upon advice, those families buried their differences and returned to the fold.

He however advised against such happenings in the future, which he said were not good for the forward march of the area.

The colorful ceremony was characterized by traditional drumming, dancing, and a rich display of culture amid the singing of war songs and the firing of musketry.

Source: Leo Nelson, Contributor