
Somanya Polyclinic shuts down units during power outages due to inefficient generator

Somanya Poly.png The hospital needs an additional generator plant to boost hospital operations

Fri, 26 Apr 2024 Source:

Some critical units of Somanya Polyclinic in the Eastern Region are shut down whenever there is a power outage in the area.

Kafui Wuttor, Head of Administration for Somanya Polyclinic, noted that the hospital’s generator has limited capacity and cannot power the entire facility, causing disruptions to other essential services including the laboratory.

Kafui Wuttor stressed the urgent need for an additional generator plant to boost hospital operations.

She said the frequent power outages are not only affecting the hospital’s ability to provide quality healthcare but also increasing operational costs, which she described as “quite inconvenient.”

“As we speak now, our lights are off but our generator plant has low capacity to power the facility. Some of the units are even off. We are unable to run labs as we speak so if we get a new gens set in addition to what we have, it will boost our services. The power outage is affecting us. Apart from the fact that it is not able to power the facility, we are also spending a lot of money so it is quite inconvenient,” said Kafui Wuttor


This was disclosed during a donation event where the Somanya branch of Christ Apostolic Church International contributed pillows, pillowcases, bedspreads, toiletries, and bottled water to the Somanya Polyclinic and Yilo Krobo district Hospital.

Mrs. Patricia Ametepey, representing the church, emphasized the importance of churches supporting government efforts to develop the nation.
