
South Tongu District Assembly implements market reforms to prevent spread of Coronavirus

Sogakope Market Sogakope market

Fri, 27 Mar 2020 Source:

Correspondence from Volta Region

The two busiest and major markets in the South Tongu District namely; Sogakope and Dabala markets to be observed now on a daily basis as a measure to avoid the overcrowding that hits the two major markets when it is a market day. Traditionally, the two markets days used to be observed every five days.

The decision was reached yesterday, March 26 by a Market Days Implementation Committee which was set up by the District Chief Executive of the constituency, Hon. Emmanuel Louis Agama.

According to the DCE, the change in the market observation days in the the district became necessary because of the overcrowding situation that always characterize major markets meanwhile, overcrowding is what is being advised against in this time of the deadly coronavirus.

The DCE also revealed that he and the team will be on the airwaves soon to educate the citizens and markets, men and women, on the new changes and its importance in preventing the spread of the coronavirus.

Members of the committee who arrived at the decision include; the Assembly Members, Unit Committees representatives, market queens, traditional leaders; representatives from both towns, the Revenue Supervisor of the District Assembly, the District Assembly Covid-19 Task Force chairperson, the District Director of Health, and an official from the District Police and Fire Services.

The DCE has however, charged the Market Days Implementation Committee members to work assiduously to ensure the sustainability of the market reform system in the district.

He further explained to the committee members that, this reform will not only enhance a higher revenue collection but also to enable the assembly meet it revenue target resulting in accelerated infrastructure development in the district.
