
Stop selling live animals in markets – Accra Mayor

Goat Market

Fri, 23 Jan 2015 Source:

The Accra Metropolitan Assembly has proscribed the sale of animals in markets, which are designated for that purpose.

“No person shall sell animals (goat, sheep, birds, etc) in any markets, unless the place has been designated by AMA for that purpose,” Accra Mayor Alfred Vanderpuije instructed at the first meeting of the Metro Security Committee (METSEC) held on Wednesday, 21st January 2015.

The measure is one of several directives outlined by the AMA to help restore sanity in the capital’s markets as well as forestall fire outbreaks.

The Assembly says it is also working with state power distributor Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) to engage contractors to “disconnect all illegal electrical connections within the markets.”

“Those who reconnect, after the disconnection shall be prosecuted,” Vanderpuije warned.

Other directives outlined by the AMA include:

All markets in the Metropolis will be opened at 6:00am and closed at 6:00pm.

No person, other than scheduled officers of Accra Metropolitan Assembly, the Police and Fire Service personnel are allowed in the market after 6:00pm.

No person(s) shall be allowed to sleep in the market.

No Person(s) shall be allowed to undertake any form of cooking in any of the AMA markets, except the chop bars and restaurant operators.

No industrial machines and combustible items are to be installed in the markets without approval from the Fire Service and the ECG.
