
Students advised against ‘sex for grades’

Professor Mawutor Avoke Chancellor Winneba Professor Mawutor Avoke

Sun, 18 Oct 2015 Source:

The Vice Chancellor of the University of Education, Professor Mawutor Avoke, has asked students of the College of Agriculture Education, Mampong campus, not to exchange sexual favours for academic excellence.

He said they should rather stick to their guns and work hard towards achieving their own academic laurels.

Professor Mawutor Avoke was addressing first year students of College of Agriculture Education at a ceremony to usher them into the University.

He cautioned the new entrants “not to engage in any risky behaviour, especially those related to alcoholism and drug abuse, sometimes with the aim of helping you to stay awake to learn or enjoying yourself.

“As part of your freedom of association, you can join any social or religious group of your choice provided that union is not formed to commit crimes or engage in illegal and immoral activities, and avoid all forms of occultic practices.”

Out of the 896 students who were matriculated, 678 which comprised 76.7 per cent were males and 209 comprising 23 per cent were females.

The number of females, according to the Vice Chancellor, Professor Avoke, is encouraging as compared to previous years’ “even though the university would have wished for 50:50 enrolment ratio for male and female”.

He entreated the students to strive to attain their goals by studying well and abiding by the University’s rules and regulations.
