
Sub-chief ends rebellion over mineral royalty payments

Thu, 26 Jul 2012 Source: GNA

A decade-old rebellion by a sub-chief against the Asante-Bekwai Traditional Council over his refusal to account for mineral royalty payments has now been peacefully resolved.

This followed an unqualified apology and expression of deep remorse for his action by the erring chief, Nana Okofo Asiedu, the Bekwai Krontihene.

He had been battling in the courts and the Judicial Committee of the Ashanti Regional House of Chiefs to block a probe into how mineral royalty receipts during the period when the Bekwai Paramount Stool was unoccupied were spent.

His shift in position was formally conveyed through the Omanhene of Nsuta, Nana Adu-Agyei Bonsafo, to the council at its sitting at Bekwai.

For his punishment, he was ordered to bring a sheep and some bottles of schnapps.

The Krontihene exercised direct control over the management of mineral royalties paid to the paramount stool for more than 10 years - a period that saw bitter wrangling over the choice of a suitable candidate by the kingmakers.

The Omanhene, Nana Kaakari Appau II, after his installation about 12 years ago, sought to find out what was in the kitty and that was when the trouble started.

The Krontihene profusely declined to cooperate and resorted to court actions in a bid to prevent that from happening.

Nana Asiedu told the council that he regretted what he did and pledged to remain true to his oath of allegiance sworn to the Omanhene.

The Omanhene and other members of the council took turns to admonish him to ensure proper conduct and work together with his colleagues to bring progress to the people in the traditional area.**

Source: GNA