
Swedru Council of Chiefs ban expensive funerals

GaMantsefuneral2 Jan2007

Wed, 5 Jun 2013 Source: Joy Online

Elders and the Council of Chiefs in the Agona Swedru town of the Central region have imposed a ban on what they describe as expensive funerals.

They say such funerals put unnecessary financial burden on bereaved families and thus must be curtailed.

At a weekly meeting held by the elders, the chiefs said the ban affects food, drinks and snacks often served at funeral grounds.

The ban also affects the purchase of special and expensive funeral clothes. Sanahene Nana Bedu-Ehuren, who spoke on behalf of the council, told Joy News residents have welcomed the ban.

“They [residents] spend a lot on funerals...If you are from Swedru and you are going to funeral at Swedru, you don’t go and collect food from anybody, you don’t collect drink from anybody...”

Source: Joy Online