
Take keen interest in Technical Education --- Director.

Sun, 22 May 2005 Source: GNA

Kasoa(C/R), May 22, GNA-The Managing Director of Kasoa-based Andam Technical/Secondary School, Mr. Emmanuel Nkrumah-Andam, has urged parents to attach greater importance to technical education for their children to guarantee a better socio-economic future for them. He said people who undergo intensive technical training have nothing to fear after graduation since their chances of securing reliable employment always looks bright.

Mr Nkrumah-Andam was addressing a meeting of Parent/Teacher Association (PTA) executives of the school at Kasoa at the weekend to discuss matters affecting the growth of the institution.

He said the country has reached a stage where people, particularly parents and guardians, must develop greater focus towards the educational needs of their children.

Mr. Nkrumah-Andam expressed disgust about the lukewarm attitude of some parents towards the education of their children in this modern technological era where everything concerning the socio-economic forward march of the world seemed to be deeply centred on technology.

He announced plans to recruit more graduate teachers to strengthen the teaching and learning powers of the school and appealed to parents and guardians in Central and other Regions to take advantage of the facility to enrol their children there.

Mr Nkrumah-Andam asked parents and guardians to assist school authorities to instil high moral and spiritual qualities in the youth to reduce the mounting incidence of indiscipline in the society. He said the growing acts of indiscipline among the youth demands that stakeholders responsible for the proper upbringing of the youth must reinforce steps at nurturing their wards to cope with the challenges ahead.

Mr Nkrumah-Andam said whereas parents and guardians expect school authorities to give their wards a better holistic training to be able to fit into society well in future, they should as well play their roles effectively by augmenting what is imparted to the children at school, with good home training.

Source: GNA