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Take part in child up-bringing – Comm. Leaders told

Sat, 27 Jun 2015 Source: GNA

Nana Prah Agyensiam the sixth, Board Chairman of Perseus Mining Ghana Limited (PMGL), has expressed worry over the spate of moral dissipation, and therefore called on community leaders to actively take part in the upbringing of children in their communities.

He pointed out that society must not see the upbringing of children as the sole responsibility of their biological parents, but all stakeholders should mould children into responsible adults.

Nana Agyensiam, who was speaking at a short ceremony to hand over some school projects to communities in iPMGL's catchment area, also advised parents to discharge their responsibilities accordingly, to maintain their dignity.

He said PGML, through its Trust Fund, Edikan Trust Fund, had constructed five different projects costing more than 1.2 million Ghana Cedis in five catchment communities, while 36 students had also been offered scholarships to further their education at the tertiary level.

The projects include a six-unit classroom block and a 10-seater aqua privy toilet facility at Ayanfuri, a three-unit classroom block, and a 10-seater aqua privy toilet, a solar panel at Abenabena, and a three-unit classroom block and a 10-seater aqua privy toilet at Gyaman.

The rest are a six-unit classroom block and a 10-seater aqua privy toilet facility, a borehole and a solar panel at Nkonya and a eight-bedroom teachers' quarters at Fobinso.

Nana Prah Agyensiam asked the communities to desist from any form of tribal war or civil disturbances, and co-operate with the company to ensure peace.

He pointed out that development in any form could take place only where there was peace in the immediate environment.’

He stated that the GH¢ 750,000 that PGML contributes annually to the Edikan Trust Fund would be increased to one million Ghana Cedis as soon as the Environmental Development Agency (EPA) gave them the green light to operate in the Eastern pit.

Mr. Brent Horochuk, Executive General Manager of PGML, affirmed the company’s commitment and unflinching support to assist the traditional authorities and the District Assemblies to achieve the goal of sustainable development in the catchment communities and the nation at large.

He said PGML had shown much interest in education, because it recognized education as one of the most powerful leverage points for breaking poverty and solving challenging socio-economic problems.

He stressed that the Fund was not only going to support education, but other areas like agriculture, poverty relief measures, health and improvement in other existing facilities, as well as culture ,heritage and sports.

Mr. Stephen Baidoo-Acheampong, Wassa Amenfi East District Chief Executive, commended PGML for being a distinguished development partner to the Assemblies in its catchment area, and called on others to follow suit.

He said though the recent economic challenges were likely to affect their operations, the Government was committed to offer it support to sustain the symbolic relationship that existed between the Mining companies while it worked to fix the situation.

Ms. Rose Tenkrang, Upper Denkyira West District Director of Education, expressed her appreciation to PGML and hoped the gesture would help retain teachers posted to the District.

Source: GNA