About four hundred teenage mothers benefited from the training
Four hundred teenage mothers in the Sekyere East District have received life skills training to support their livelihoods amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
The livelihood project, embarked on by the World Vision's Sekyere East Area Programme, seeks to empower teenage mothers economically by providing skills training in areas such as Pastries, Bead and Soapmaking.
In an interview with the Ghana News Agency Mr Kwabena Fosu, an Integrated Development Officer of World Vision Ghana, said having realised the difficulties teenage mothers were facing amid the pandemic, the World Vision decided to support by training them in skills that would enable them to get some income.
"We decided to provide training for teenage mothers in eleven communities in the District and equip them with the tools for a start-up. This will relieve the stress that the pandemic brings,” he said.
The project started two months ago in collaboration with the District Assembly and the feedback was very positive with the mothers being economically empowered to take care of their children, he said.
Ms Dora Akosua, a teenage mother, said the training had been impactful, adding: “I had nothing to do and there was no hope but this project has enabled me to prepare pancakes and meat pie. I have been able to prepare it on my own to earn an income”.
"We the teenage mothers in Feyiase who have specialised in pastries making do meet often to make pastries for sale. World Vision provides us materials for start-up and since we started selling we have been empowered financially,'' she said.
Mr Emmanuel Arthur, a District Social Welfare Officer and programme facilitator, said the livelihood project had improved the wellbeing of mothers and their children having gained financial independence.
The project was being monitored in the communities to ensure its sustainability and the ability of the mothers to make good sales, he said.