
The Winneba prison near collapse

Winneba Prison The prison which is over 200 years has not been renovated since it was built

Sat, 28 Apr 2018 Source:

The Winneba Local Prison which currently has a little over 200 inmates is near collapse.

The building which is over 200 years old has not seen any renovation since it was constructed by the colonial master.

In an off the record interview with the Officer In Charge (O.I.C) of the Prison, ADP Augustine Bopam, he intimated that the building needs urgent attention to forestall any disaster in the near future.

The Administration block of the Prison which houses the Prison Officers who oversee the day to day administration of the facility is perhaps the most affected of the whole building.

The roof of the block is weak and infected with dangerous bugs which periodically fall off within the offices posing a health challenge to the officers.
