
The story was not different at Ho

Thu, 22 Jun 2006 Source: GNA

Ho, June 22, (Team) GNA-Crowds of people heading towards different directions were out on the streets of Ho, the Volta Regional Capital celebrating the 2-1 victory of Ghana over the United States at the World Cup.

The spontaneous procession of mainly teens and children also involved women.

Even when the heavens opened and the rains poured down, the marchers draped in the colours of Ghana and anything resembling them continued their jubilation in the rains.

The consensus among revellers was that the rains coming soon after the match indicated that it was a God sent victory and a blessing for Ghana.

Reports indicate that the game overshadowed commercial activities at the market on a market day, with each of the goals scored by Ghana attracting thunderous shouts that frightened toddlers and babies into crying.

Among the jubilant crowd at the market square were a group of white tourists donning Ghanaian colours and gesticulating praises of the Ghanaian team.

An hour after the match, the jubilation had ebbed out of the streets into drinking bars and homes.

Source: GNA