
Traditional leaders urged to propagate values using technology

Thu, 14 May 2015 Source: Anita Frimpong

Director of Technology at the University of Professional Studies (UPSA) , Dr.Mohammed Sani Abdullah is appealing to traditional leaders to get involve in the use of technology inasmuch as they create website to help propagate their own values.

The use of technology he said can help create employment for the youth and also help to disseminate information to citizen in the community.

He said the right of traditional rulers must be shown to citizens, and these can be than through computer knowledge. According to him the world institution has change in the sense that if you don’t have sufficient knowledge in computer you cannot confront all the political requirement.

Dr.Mohammed Sani made the disclosure to during the opening ceremony of the Otumfuo center for traditional leaders four day training for chiefs, staff of traditional councils, regional and national house of chief in Accra.

The workshop, the first for the center, is being organized as part of preparatory works towards the grand launch of the OCTL next August.

The OCTL , which is one of the four centers of Excellence, was established by the UPSA, to spearhead the development and modernization of the chieftaincy institution in the country.

Pro-Vice Chancellor UPSA, Professor Anthony K.Ahiawodzi explain that the center sought to harness the traditional leadership role to promote good governance and to provide the platform for thorough research into chieftaincy and traditional leadership issues.

He touched on the issues relating to role of traditional leaders in the nation’s socio-economic development could be as the custodians of Ghana’s rich cultural heritage.

Director of OCTL, Lepowura M.N.D Jawula raised that mismanagement of chieftaincy issue among citizen must well address such chiefs will have the freedom to assist community in the developmental process.

According to there has been quit of issues confronting traditional leader and chief over the past years in which government must seek redress to re solve the menace.

He also calls on government to empower traditional leaders with adequate resources and the rightful tools to enable them to deliver to members in the various communities.

Professor Goski Alabi, Dean school of graduate studies university of professional studies, calls for effective collaboration between traditional leaders and managers of the country thus the local authorities, state agencies to have good development of the lands and better implementation to the nation .

According to her chiefs and community leaders do not have strategic plans and records to serve as tool in promoting accountability and transparency to members in the community.

‘We have created a platform for them and the center have been endowed by Otumfuo together we say that as a university we should be able to work to bring change and promote socio economic development ‘she said.

According to her observation lands belonging

“We must work hard to attract investors to help develop our community, and this can be done through the use of financial management skills ,records management skills and strategic leadership skills ‘she said.

She appeal to traditional leaders ,opinion leaders to play a vital role in these process especially on how to manage community resources because these will help create a national platform were they can have annual forum for traditional leaders targeting the whole African countries.

Source: Anita Frimpong