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Traditional ruler wants Ghanaians to pray for peaceful elections

Tue, 22 Jan 2008 Source: GNA

Nyinahin (Ash), Jan 22, GNA - Nana Amanpene Boateng Twum II, chief of Nyinahin in the Atwima-Mponua District, has stressed the need for Ghanaians to pray fervently to God for peaceful general elections in December.

He said peace was an important key to progress and that it was about time that Ghanaians worked towards consolidating it for an accelerated socio-economic development.

Nana Twum made the call at the annual celebration of the "Yentuntu" festival of the chiefs and people of Nyinahin at the weekend. The festival commemorated the immense role the ancestors played in the development of Nyinahin.

It is also designed to promote unity and harmony among the people through cultural festivities.

Nana Twum said since peace was a process and not an event it was the responsibility of supporters of political parties to be tolerant of divergent views and opinions. "We should work hard to avoid vandalism, violence and commotion since Ghana has come a long way in sustaining its infant democracy", he said.

Source: GNA